Well another week has passed.  I have all that I need to paint the porch, trim and my living room/ dining room walls.  Yeah!  How is this weather keeping your spirits?  I find it hard to keep mine up.  I love drinking my tea and lighting incense, but some days.....sigh.  I wish it would just get it over with and snow.  As the old saying goes "Poop or get off the pot".   Tonight I will edit my videos and get them loaded up, and post a few more items onto pinterest and Ebay.  Yes, I have that up and running again. 

These past few days the air has been very dry.  I've dug out my milk and honey lotion and my skin just soaked it up.  I have the link to the lady if you ever want to order any of her goat milk lotion or soap.  The only thin is, when I do crafts or work online I have to use either Udderly Smooth or another off brand as they are not a greasy.  I've also had to use my lip scrub.  Not as much this year as I totally switched over to coconut oil toothpaste and it moistens my lips as well.  I really do need to invest in a cold humidifier.  You can add oils to them and really keep colds at bay. :)

We kind of slipped a little on home school this week as I have been very busy catching up with house work and baby sitting.  I laugh at times after working all day and then turning around and in my eyes can not see all that I have accomplished but what still needs to be done.  You have to keep a positive out look on life our you'll never get out of bed.  I know, been there done that don't want to do it again. 

Speaking of positive outlooks I'm getting back into Yoga, meditation and hrtz sound therapy.  It really has helped and I can feel the difference.  It works hand in hand with my diet and schedule.  I just heard that we need to keep our body alciline and above 51 hrtz.  When it dips to that or below or gets acidic that is when cancer starts to grow.  There are many types of cancer just like infections.  Not all are passed down from family.  We need to be aware of our body and how it feels, reacts to food, our sleep, what we wear, who we hang out with.  All aspects of our life effect our health. 

On that note I'll tell you all this.  I love vow to keep my Scottish temper (don't bottle it up....bad for health), the determination of the all those who have been trodden on and have not only survived but over come (be a fighter, never give up) and the Hawaiian attitude of Aloha (peace, love and harmony). :)

As always,

No worries and SKO!


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