Day After New Years.

I hope this new day and new year finds you all well and happy. We kind of slept in today since we all stayed up well past midnight to usher in the Gregorian New Year.   Hubby worked until 2 AM so he didn't arrive home till after 3 AM.  It was fun this morning trying to keep a 6 year old, 8 year old and a teenager along with a dog and two cats (who had a brother spat) quiet so he could sleep. LOL  We did and quite well after a few fussings at.  So with all the home work done, lunch in to cook (turkey meatballs, potatoes, onions and gorp (a sauce I make from old sauce packets, I made a video on it and will post it soon).  I've also made wheat bread rolls and rice. 

My goal for the rest of the day will be to work on crafts and steam clean that carpet.  In the long run look at life.  I still need to get the other side of the garage cleaned, the store items better organized and photographed for the online store, my laptop and desk top photos organized and burnt to cds. 

I love cold days.  It gives me a chance to sip away on all my favorite teas.  Right now I'm drinking Earl Grey and imagining Capt. Picard ordering it from the computer. LOL  Ok, I'm a geek I will admit it.   Yum!  Just had lunch and the wheat yeast rolls are delicious!   Going to enjoy the rest of my tea the the last roll. 

If you have any crafts, recipes or videos that you want me to take, make, or taste just let me know.  I'll also share recipes.  Just drop me a line and I'll be happy to post them your way.  :D

As always family:

No Worries and SKO!


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