Momories Of Summer To Warm Your Heart

I loved summer in Ohio growing up as a kid.  We lived right by a park and I could walk across the street and play any time I wanted.  The fondest memories I have of the park are of the "big slide".  We use to climb all over that thing on top and under.  It stood about 10 feet high.  When it got really slow my mom use to give us kids (neighbors included) sheets of wax paper. You know were I'm going with this.  lol  We would take turns and slide down that monster with wax on our butts.  I think only two kids ended up with scrapes on their elbows.  We use to get that thing so slicked up little kids couldn't slide on it for fear of real damage to them. 

We also had one of those low wooden merry go rounds.  My friends and I use to kneel on it and use one leg to kick push it fast.  Then we'd turn around and use our butts to drag stop it. Needless to say our neighbor's mom wasn't too happy her kids were ruining their jeans in the dirt and gravel.  Me, my mom really didn't care because they were play clothes meant to be played in.  We also use to teeter totter surf all the time to Beach Boy music (this was in the late 80's early 90's now).  

But my most favorite thing to do at the park was the fountain.  I was a stone water fountain that had years of moss growing on it.  We use to turn it into a sprinkler fountain.  There was a trick to getting the handle to stay on then you could put a stick in the spout just about the same size and it sprayed water everywhere.  We only did it for a short time.  It was the best relief for the kids who didn't have sprinklers at home. 

My first sprinkler at home was a single yard spritzer that my dad attached to mom's laundry pole (a pole used to hole up the laundry line so the clothes wouldn't drag on the ground while drying).  The pole was about 6 feet and with the sprinkler attached my brother and I could run under it.  I about died laughing when he ran under it once and slipped because the grass was so wet.   Our dog would join us and we'd play until the hot dogs and hamburgers were ready on the grill.  Mmmmmm... Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips, corn on the cob, kollaid to drink and for dessert....WATERMELON. 


Stay warm my friends and family.

No Worries and SKO!


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