Fond Memories of My Childhood.

Saturdays I will start to post fond memories from my childhood.  I hope you enjoy walking back in time with me.

One of my memories was of our 1950's gas stove.  It looked like a 57 Chevy with it's sleek curves and red Bakelite rims on the knobs.  I loved that thing.  It made the best oven toast.  It came in very handy too during winter power outs as the gas remained on.  We would use it to heat the kitchen and we'd all bundle up around it.  Of course we kept the kitchen door cracked as not to asphyxiate ourselves. lol

One memory of this stove was when I was just old enough to watch my mom relight the pilot light under neath.  She rolled up a news paper and touch a lit match to it and gently relight it.  There were times when it didn't light at first and then it would Poof light  (mild explosion).  Anyway, curious as I was, I rolled up a news paper and touched it to the pilot light.  In doing so I set the news paper on fire.  What did I do?  I just sat there and watched the pretty fire till my mom turned around from doing dishes.  She screamed, grabbed the paper and chucked it out side.  (our back door was used as a front door, another story)   My dad came in to see why I was getting yelled at and spanked.  All he did was laugh and said that not to worry that I wouldn't do it again. :)  He was right.  It wasn't the fact that the paper being on fire scared me, it was my mom looking at me in sheer terror.  I didn't think I was going to die until that point.  LOL  Oh, to be young again. 

Next week I'll tell you a story about our jokingly Olympic sport that involves a flaming toaster.

No worries and SKO!


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