Back to the Living

Good morning all my lovely S.K.O. fans!

Just a quick touch base blog.  I feel like I've been living amongst the dead. LOL

I hope the blog finds you warm and well.  The flue has been bad this year since the "shot" was considered null in void.  I wont go further on that subject because anyone who knows me knows where I stand on the matter of shots.

I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Yorkshire Pudding, Thank a Letter Carrier, Dump Your Significant Jerk, Homemade soup, Stuffed Mushroom, World Cancer, Sweater Day. 

I'm going to start video taping some of my crafts that I'm doing for the shop, as well as some scheduled videos and live videos.

With the new year will be new adventures I hope have you all follow me as we venture into the crafty, odd, bizzar and fandome as best we can. :)

Take care and stay safe.

No Worries,



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