Life as a stay at home mom is never boring.  Most of my day is filled up with home school and house cleaning with a dash of crafting and online business.  We have the opportunities to visit relatives during the week and visit museums during hours that they are open.  We can make a split decision to pack a picnic and head to the mountains to do some nature discoveries.  Or on rainy or snowy days just decide to curl up with good books and educational movies knowing we can easily make up the work another day. 

Yes, there are times when house cleaning and school work get forgotten.  Yes, there are times when online business is not even looked at.  Crafting is of no use as the spark has left it.  Those are my dark days.  I will admit that I have them.  I don't even feel like getting out of bed.  I feel like I could curl up and just cry.  People on the outside don't seem to notice I'm not my happy peppy self.  They just chalk it up to me being a worn out house wife and mom.  They don't seem to care that I physically hurt and don't want to look at or even think about their items.  Yes, depression can physically hurt.  But I promise you I will get over it.  Just have patients with me.  Don't tell me to go see a shrink, or get on some meds.  Don't tell me to work through it.

I understand that life doesn't evolve around me, but for this one brief moment and yes sometimes even a week, just leave me alone and keep me in your thoughts.  I just have to mentally get myself out of this state.  It has to be my decision, not yours.  You talking to me or telling me I need help isn't the best thing in the world right now.  I will climb out, I will be better, I will do my jobs.  Just have patients with me.

When I'm happy is when I'm most productive.  I get a lot of house work done, crafts roll off production lines school work is completed with bonus work and online business gets it's much needed attention.  There is a brighter side to depression.  There is no quick fix, but I am getting stronger. :) 

If you know some one with depression, hug them, think of them, be patient with them, love them.  Don't get frustrated that they aren't doing the work that you wanted them to do.  Just remember, a little failure to you is a devastating life destroying let down for them.  You may take it as "Ah well maybe next time."  but they take it as "I've utterly failed.  I'm worthless. I might as well give up."  Oh, that's another phrase never to use around some one who is depressed.  "You might as well give it up.  Stop it. You can't do it or make money at it."  You've just told that person they are worthless and should die.  No joke.  That's when the physical pain begins.

As always,

No Worries



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