Books, sunshine and crafts.

Good evening all,

I hope this blog finds you healthy and happy.  Today after home schooling I will be working on the final pictures for my book I'm going to be printing soon.  I can't wait!  Once they are perfect and colored I will scan the into my work and send it off. :)   I'm excited about this set of books.

The sunshine was a great revitalizer today. I think I over did it. lol  But, I did get the dishes done and the laundry done as well as the kids school work completed and two meals completed.  I'm proud of myself and I deserve a good rest.    It's always a good feeling when you get things done no matter how tired you may feel afterwards. 

I was going to video some crafts today but will have to post pone that until Friday because I had to make laundry soap.  I love the smell of fresh made laundry soap. :)  I want to work on some more mice which I will sell with my books and I want to finish up my Krampus even though he will be a bit out of season and I want to also work on two new items in my line of craft.  A line of  "Bless Your Heart." cards and "order and ship mini gift tins/presents"  I'll have to explain the gift one in a later post.

Well, supper is bubbling away on the stove and I need to finish up the laundry. So, I'll bid you good night and as always....

No Worries!




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