Good afternoon all, I hope February is finding you well.  I know  a lot of people are either snowed in or fighting this flue going around.  Stay warm, safe and healthy.  Well, do we know if our prisimmons fruit will tell the truth or not?  I know they said they saw a lot of spoons in the seeds which usually means tons of snow, but so far we have been lucky with only just two days of really bad weather. 

On to another subject I find house cleaning funny.  I keep picturing that puppet from the Muppet show that sang the song about windmills in his mind.  lol  Some days just feels like that.  You start in one area cleaning and just as you move along thinking you've compleated it turn around and find that the rest of your family has decided to leave their mark. :)  You have to love family.  I'm thankful I have one to care for and teach. 

Speaking of teaching, we took multiple kitty play breaks today as they just couldn't seem to keep their mind on their work.  That's one of the many things I love about home schooling.  I use to get in trouble all the time for daydreaming out of the window.   Oh, I have some stories I could tell you about school as a child. 

I can remember one in particular day when I was so board in third grade that I had found a trick.  I mean come on, we all did the pencil ruler propeller trick.  But, I did something a bit more unnerving.  hehe  I had discovered that if you cleared an area around the hole in the bottom of your desk (for those of you who had those desks with attached seats and desk area with a top that opened) and placed your metal scissors in that hole and rocked the scissors so it rocked back and forth on it's own, then you lifted the little arm that turned your desk from slant to flat and closed it.  I kid you not is sounds like a clock ticking.  Drove the teacher mad till she found out it was me.  She took my scissors and made me move my desk beside her's.  I still did it after that, but just not when she was in the room.

I know I missed last Sunday's childhood story time so I will tell you a quick one now.  My brother always use to do things to get me into trouble.  He was six years older than I and loved to tease me.  I was so fed up with his teasing one day that I dropped a Sears Christmas catalog on his face while he was laying on the floor watching cartoons on tv.  That didn't stop him, but made him tease me even more.  So I grabbed a Christmas paper wrapping tube and a 2" steel ball bearing and crept behind the couch.  I laid the tube over the back of that couch and to through him off I rolled a couple of match box cars down it.  When he got use to me doing that (started to ignore me) I then to that steel ball bearing and rolled it down that tube.   The next thing I heard was a "thunk" and him screaming.  Mom came running into the living room to see what the matter was.  I had been quick enough to reach around the couch and grab the ball bearing and hide it.  Mom didn't believe him and he got in trouble although he did have a pump knot on his forehead the next day that they said he must of gotten from school. LOL  Yes, I was evil that day, but he did have it coming to him.  Oh, and that was the beginning of WWIII in our house between my brother and I.

So, I hope  you enjoyed this post today.  Remember to like, comment, and tell others.  Find me also on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. 

No worries and SKO!


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