
Showing posts from January, 2016

Momories Of Summer To Warm Your Heart

I loved summer in Ohio growing up as a kid.  We lived right by a park and I could walk across the street and play any time I wanted.  The fondest memories I have of the park are of the "big slide".  We use to climb all over that thing on top and under.  It stood about 10 feet high.  When it got really slow my mom use to give us kids (neighbors included) sheets of wax paper. You know were I'm going with this.  lol  We would take turns and slide down that monster with wax on our butts.  I think only two kids ended up with scrapes on their elbows.  We use to get that thing so slicked up little kids couldn't slide on it for fear of real damage to them.  We also had one of those low wooden merry go rounds.  My friends and I use to kneel on it and use one leg to kick push it fast.  Then we'd turn around and use our butts to drag stop it. Needless to say our neighbor's mom wasn't too happy her kids were ruining their jeans in the di...

There She Blows! A Flaming Toaster!

I have fond memories of being in the kitchen with my mother.  We loved to cook together all the time.  One of the things we make often was home made bread.  I don't know if any of you have used one but there is a device that you can put a piece of bread in hold it tight and slice it into two thin slices.  Makes the best crispy toast if you are using regular bread.  However, home made bread is usually cut a little thicker.  So, loving thin bread my mom always cut my dad's bread very thin.  I can tell you we went through about three toasters that I know of due to either the bread catching on fire (dad liked it black), or the grease/butter from the home made bread (one of the ingredients).  My mom made it an art.  She mastered the knack of opening the door and chucking the toaster out in one smooth movement.  I think I also need to mention that she had to put an ark in the pitch due to the fact that our station wagon was parked on the cem...
Hello all my friends.  I'm getting ready to wrap up today.  I took today to do some crafting and play Roblox with my children online. I did manage to finish the weather skeltons.  I'll post a picture of them on the "In stock for sale" page on pinterest.  I am so worn out.  I can't seem to get a full nights sleep any more. I've tried teas, food, watching boring shows, playing boring games and nothing that use to work does anymore.  It's wearing thin on the kids as it's making me cranky and snappish.  I have a dream that if I win a lottery (yeah right lol) I want to build this.   I want to have a building that has six to eight rooms.  Each room has a circular kiddie wading pool.  The pools would also each have a wave machine that would cause the water to move.  They would give you a circular float to lay on in this pool.  You could change in the changing room and place your towels on a teak bench for safe keeping.  No...

jan 10 2016 vlog


Fond Memories of My Childhood.

Saturdays I will start to post fond memories from my childhood.  I hope you enjoy walking back in time with me. One of my memories was of our 1950's gas stove.  It looked like a 57 Chevy with it's sleek curves and red Bakelite rims on the knobs.  I loved that thing.  It made the best oven toast.  It came in very handy too during winter power outs as the gas remained on.  We would use it to heat the kitchen and we'd all bundle up around it.  Of course we kept the kitchen door cracked as not to asphyxiate ourselves. lol One memory of this stove was when I was just old enough to watch my mom relight the pilot light under neath.  She rolled up a news paper and touch a lit match to it and gently relight it.  There were times when it didn't light at first and then it would Poof light  (mild explosion).  Anyway, curious as I was, I rolled up a news paper and touched it to the pilot light.  In doing so I set the news paper on fire....
Well another week has passed.  I have all that I need to paint the porch, trim and my living room/ dining room walls.  Yeah!  How is this weather keeping your spirits?  I find it hard to keep mine up.  I love drinking my tea and lighting incense, but some days.....sigh.  I wish it would just get it over with and snow.  As the old saying goes "Poop or get off the pot".   Tonight I will edit my videos and get them loaded up, and post a few more items onto pinterest and Ebay.  Yes, I have that up and running again.  These past few days the air has been very dry.  I've dug out my milk and honey lotion and my skin just soaked it up.  I have the link to the lady if you ever want to order any of her goat milk lotion or soap.  The only thin is, when I do crafts or work online I have to use either Udderly Smooth or another off brand as they are not a greasy.  I've also had to use my lip scrub.  Not as much this yea...

Day After New Years.

I hope this new day and new year finds you all well and happy. We kind of slept in today since we all stayed up well past midnight to usher in the Gregorian New Year.   Hubby worked until 2 AM so he didn't arrive home till after 3 AM.  It was fun this morning trying to keep a 6 year old, 8 year old and a teenager along with a dog and two cats (who had a brother spat) quiet so he could sleep. LOL  We did and quite well after a few fussings at.  So with all the home work done, lunch in to cook (turkey meatballs, potatoes, onions and gorp (a sauce I make from old sauce packets, I made a video on it and will post it soon).  I've also made wheat bread rolls and rice.  My goal for the rest of the day will be to work on crafts and steam clean that carpet.  In the long run look at life.  I still need to get the other side of the garage cleaned, the store items better organized and photographed for the online store, my laptop and desk top photos org...