The Halloween Season

I love this time of the year.  All new house hold decorations are being brought out on the shelves. All the skeletons, skulls, pumpkins, ghosts.  I just love it.  No, I'm not in love with the dead.  No, I'm not weird.  No, I'm not mental.  I just find beauty in odd things.  Of course odd to you is normal to me.  As Mortia Addams quoted. "What is normal to a spider is chaos to a fly."  Its all in how you look at things.

It's funny how people are the same way too.  How someone lives, looks or acts might be quite normal to them even though you think their ugly, weir, odd, rude and so on. 

Be kind with your words, they have more effect on the human body than you know.  Our body is made up of 80% water.  They have proven that water can be effected by what is spoken, written and things dropped into it.   If this can happen to water in a glass or bottle, what about the water in a human body?  Think about that.  Form beautiful crystals every day in everyone you meet.  Don't form ugly crystals and make them ill.  Words are powerful.  Spoken right, they can build up anyone's confidence to cure any disease.  Spoken wrong they can bring down the mightiest of kingdoms.

Enjoy life, be yourself, respect others and love much.

No worries,



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