New Beginnings and Fresh Restarts

I just want to take a moment and wish everyone a happy Fall.  October starts tomorrow and a new month with no mistakes in it.  We are blessed every single new day to have a clean slate.  Sure we will slip up or fall back, but that's ok. That's how we learn and grow. 

Stand strong.  Don't let others tell you how to live your life.  Let them stand on the side line of life and shake their heads or point their fingers, but one things for sure at least you are moving forward while they are standing still.  Never forget that.

We were placed here on Earth to help each other.  To take care of each other.  Not to coddle, not to hinder, not to treat each other like snowflakes.  We have to make our mistakes so we can learn.  Life is rough and we can learn from that as well.  Hiding from reality or the truth is never the answer. 

It's just nice to know that in this crappy world full of hate, jealousy, laziness, ignorance and greed we can offer a hand to a shattered soul, a fellow human being and help them along "THEIR" path that they choose. 

Remember, we are family, we are friends, we are human, we are fragile yet strong in our own rights. 

Take care my friends and as always,

No Worries.



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