Here is today's thoughts.  Second hand news and holding your tongue.   One is hard to ignore and one is hard to do.  But, both can hurt and upset your world in more ways than an army of soldiers at war.

It is so easy to slip into that listening ear of gossip.  Gossip comes in all forms.  It could be news about something or someone.   It could be complaints about something or someone.

It is also easy to slip into the "let the hate words fly out of your mouth" gear.  When we are angry, it takes all we can control not to say hurtful things.  I know there are moments of when rage just flares and all you see is white.  It's at these moments we need to run from the source of our anger.  Leave the room, go for a walk to even talk it out to ourselves.  We just need to calm down.

I have let myself slip on my yoga and meditation.  I have let my personal self slip from prayer.  I have let in jealousy, hate, resentment, hurt.  I have turned myself at times into a cowering animal ready to strike at anything.  For myself, I have to refocus.  I have to apologize even if it's not my fault. 

This is a battle everyone has to face each day.  I hope you find what works for you.  Just like a yoke can never be returned to an egg shell once broken, so words can't be taken back once spoken.

No worries.



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