Trees and Life

A farmer who tethers a to straighten it is like braces on teeth.  He lets the wind, rain and sun hit the tree so it's roots will be deep and it's wood strong.  Sometimes even leaving stones in the ground for the trees to have foot holds. 

A second farmer plants a tree in a green house where the water and light are just perfect.  No wind hits the tree to strengthen the wood.  It has fluffy soil to stretch it's roots in.  Then gets transplanted outside in a rock free hole.

The second tree during the first big wind storm will either snap in two or become up rooted.  With no wind hitting it growing up to strengthen the wood or rocks and hard soil to build a good sound root system it had no defense against what the world through at it.

The first tree will weather many a storm, for it's wood is strong, it's roots are deep and healthy from borrowing in the hard soil and around rocks.  It will be hard to up root it or snap it. 

Just like the trees, we too must weather hard times, we too must learn to thrive in good times and in bad.  Just like the trees, our rings in life define who we are.  Times where there was lean finances/love/friends.  Times where there were plenty.  Our roots will be bound in our family/faith/hope.  Each rock of confrontation, each gust of wind (problems) just makes us stronger. 

Be a weathered tree, make deep roots, strong wood.  Don't let others tell you there must be something wrong in your life or you're not doing it right.  Fancy wood may look pretty, but it's not durable.  And I've never seen anyone complain about reclaimed barn wood being turned into the most beautiful of items. 

Be strong, spread those leaves, dig deep with your roots and live life to the fullest.

No Worries and as always,


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