It feels good to be open.

Good afternoon all,

 I'm just fine tuning my store today and it looks great.  Once I get the crafting area more organized it will be perfect.  Even though life tossed rocks on your path we have many choices to make.  You can either trip over them, walk around them, pick them up and move them or my option use a stick of dynamite on them.

Get out of my way cause I'm coming through!  I don't have time to mess around.  I've got bills to pay, babies to look after and a store to run.  lol

I hope to post some of my creations on here to show you what I love to make.

Just keep your head up, your heart guarded, your nickers pulled up and keep the wind at your back.

As always "No worries."  and "S.K.O.!"


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