Sizzling Summer Days at SKO's Bits & Bobs

 Good Day S.K.O. Family,

I hope you are finding some relief in this heat we are having.  This Saturday our town is hosting the annual Polk Salad Festival.  I hope to see some of you there.  Remember, we are across from the REU building.

I'm constantly crafting now a days.  I love to create something from chaos.  I hope to start posting some of my creations on here so that you can enjoy them too.  Often I find it hard to sell them because they become my babies, but I must pay for more supplies.  LOL  Thus begins the never ending cycle.

The 24th we will be hosting a Fairy Day Festival at our shop.  I love miniatures and fairy gardens and everything magical.  We've discovered a fairy door right in our own shop!  I wonder how they decorated their home?  I would love to see it one day.  May I can take a peek and get a photo to share.

As always, we have our anime and manga in the shop as well as our Japanese sweets and drinks.  I love Pusheen!

Well, I just wanted to hop on here and give you all a check in since it's been so long since my last blog.  I really need to get back into the schedule of things with this as well as my vlogging.  I hope to post every Friday.  So until next week.

No Worries and SKO!


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