Warm Winter Days and Bad Internet

Good morning all.  For some of you the days have you snowed in, but here, here we are almost wearing t-shirts again.  I'm enjoying the weather, but on the other side a lot of people are getting sick from the temp changes.  I just hope it gets cold enough to kill the germs and bugs. LOL  We do need the rain and it is most appreciated.  We are planning a lot of things for the shop this spring.  The one thing I'm working on is getting better internet.  Where we moved to Charter is not available so we have Comcast.  UGH!  I'm looking into a fiber optic company and hopefully they will be faster and no limits.  It's sad when you pay for the best and get sub quality. 

On a cheery note I've found that if you are struggling or going through a tough patch finding an outlet helps a lot.  Me, besides my crafts for the store, I've been writing fan fiction.  I can't tell you how wonderful it keeps my mind busy so I'm not up all hours of the night.  Find that one thing you love and jump on it.  Let your imagination spring into action.  Don't just think outside the box, think on an endless boundless scale.  You are only limited to what you set as your goals.

Take cake everyone.  Hug someone today that looks like they need it.  You don't know what your fellow human is going through.  Life is tough have soft thoughts towards others. My new moto is "Life's too crappy not to be happy."  Yeah, life sucks sometimes.  You don't want to be happy.  Just smile or laugh and then take a look at that "impending doom" that you were glum about.  It still might suck, be depressing or just down right unfair, but you'll of had a few seconds of relief in a busy day.

As Always
No Worries and SKO!


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