Sorry for the gap in blogs.  I've had to crunch numbers and do some real heart felt thinking.  We are relocating the shop.  Two more stores have closed in our current location so it will pretty much be a ghost town.  We've struggled to keep the shop open because we love our extended family.   I just want to say, "We are NOT CLOSING, just relocating." :)

We are moving the shop to  Loudon, TN.  My husband is starting a fish house with his friends their also.  We will still live in Lenoir City, but the ecconomy just isn't down town anymore.  Most all the shops were hit hard this past winter and struggled to make ends meat.  There are also 5 lovely tax preparers down town so from Jan to June there is absolutly no parking.  I've just started our web site and a good data base system for the shop.  We will be doing our vlogs and interviews at my home in the garauge where we will have our set as well as my crafting area. 

It's a brand new adventure for me as I venture off on my own.  Yes, only I will have my name on the lease, utilities, internet and insurance payments.  I will also eventually set up my own store bank account.  I'm doing this for my children, and if you know my kids for my middle one.  My oldest has voiced her wants to be a cosplay make up artist (which she can venture out into theater and movie make up as well) and my son will prob. follow in his daddy's foot steps and run the restaraunt. 

I'll post pics of our new shop, vlog set and everything as it is taking shape. 


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